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Brand Development 1
Popular Development Packages:
Translating Consumer Insights into Meaningful Innovation
Starting with the end user first, we fly in, (nationally or internationally) and deep dive on what people truly want and need in your business/ industry with world class qualitative research and HCD methodologies.
We document and synthesize global macro insights, unarticulated consumer needs, and gather articulated voice of the consumer needs to create foundational brainstorming tools, and establish opportunity domains.
We then facilitate divergent brainstorming for idea and concept generation
Finally we affinitize, converge, and refine on the opportunities for further development
Estimated Cost
25K - 120K​
Estimated Timing
3 - 9 months
ranges based on scale and scope flexibility
Brand & Product Portfolio Optimization
If your company has many brands and/or a large complex product portfolio, we can help reduce complexity, increase efficiency, and greater differentiate your brands and products to minimize brand dilution, maximize your market impact with greater customer loyalty and substantially boost revenue as a result.
Our methods will allow you, and your leadership understand what is important and whats not with consumers. We've helped some of the most complex companies in exisitance
Estimated Cost
15K - 90K​
Estimated Timing
3 - 6 months
ranges based on scale and scope flexibility
Vision Creation for Advanced Development + New Business Planning
Need to know where to focus next? Want to help your company think differently and see how setting a future trajectory can shape your innovation roadmap for years to come.?
Our team will lead and create a thought provoking, inspirational, long range motivational vision of the future for your organization, industry product or technology. We build upon typical Design Thinking methodology and transition to a form of Effectism where we zoom out even further to challenge current infrastructures and existing context to ensure a truly non-bias perspective.
Future of Home, Future of Public Work Space, Future of Travel & Mobility, Future of Transport, Delivery & Logistics, Future of Communication, Future of Education, Future of Food & Nutrition, Future of Health and Wellness, Future of Healthcare, Future of Luxury, Future of Gaming & Entertainment, Future of Sustainability, Future of Water, Future of...
Estimated Cost
50K - 150K​
Estimated Timing
6 - 12 months
ranges based on scale, asset type and asset fidelity.
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